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From highway to space full of life ⬆️

Aragó street underwent two major transformations in the past centuries, designed to adapt and respond to the needs of the city at all times. In 1882 an ambitious project was inaugurated with the underground railway and bridges that linked the perpendicular streets. 80 years later, in 1962, the second version was inaugurated, where the train track was covered to facilitate road traffic. Aragó street adapts to the times and opens the way for a new actor: the car, the growing mean of transport at that time.

Today, Aragó is the urban highway par excellence: a street crossed by more than 60,000 vehicles every day, where the people who live there cannot open their windows, and those who pass by cannot enjoy that space to walk, play, shop, or meet their neighbors.

For this reason, more than 60 years after the last great change, from Eixample Respira we claim that it is time for a new redesign of Aragó to adapt it to the newer times. Today Barcelona and its people have different views than a few years ago, and it is necessary for the city's urban planning to respond. We already have plenty of convincing scientific evidence on the impact that noise and air pollution have on the health of the population, especially the most vulnerable ones: children and elderly people.

It is time for the residents to get back their street and for cars, the main actor of the last 60 years on Aragó, to be supporting of the change. Just as the train did at the time, it is not it is a question of prohibition on cars, but rather to give prominence to pedestrians, to collective and non-polluting means of transportation and to other forms of use for the public space.We want the neighbors from Aragó street and its surroundings, to enjoy this space without being impacted on their health.

Previous transformations of Aragó street are the proof that the streets of Eixample have changed their use to adapt to each time. For this reason, Eixample Respira proposes to rethink Aragó street for the future. An avenue adapted to the new times and their challenges. A new street full of life, with more green, less noise, where people can breathe clean air.

Download the posters and hang them in your building ⬆️

The posters' format is A4. You can print it with any printer

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Use the hashtag #AragoRespira in your tweets, with a photo of video showing the situation of Aragó

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